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Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will be showcasing all my design team work, general crafting and digital scrap booking.I hope you enjoy seeing my creations and listening to my ramblings. If you leave a comment I'll know you've been and be able to visit you in return. I read and appreciate all comments which are left - good or bad! Thank you for taking the time to visit me. Pop back soon. Carol xx

Thursday 19 April 2012

Template Thursday

This weeks free template from My Memories Suite,  click on the image to be taken to the download page. The templates will work in any programme so you don't need to have MMS to be able to use them.

To receive $10 off the price of My Memories Suite V3 software copy and paste this code STMMMS57827 at checkout. You'll also receive a $10 gift certificate for the online store.

I hope you enjoy your download and would love to see how you use it. Feel free to link in a comment so I can pop over and have a look.

Carol x

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Carol once again for this lovely freebie:)x


Many thanks for taking the time to comment on my post. Constructive comments are always welcomed and appreciated on my creations. Carol x