
My photo
Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will be showcasing all my design team work, general crafting and digital scrap booking.I hope you enjoy seeing my creations and listening to my ramblings. If you leave a comment I'll know you've been and be able to visit you in return. I read and appreciate all comments which are left - good or bad! Thank you for taking the time to visit me. Pop back soon. Carol xx

Friday 9 March 2012

Candy winners

I can't believe how fast this past year has gone, it only seems five minutes since I made my inaugural post on my blog and I'm now heading towards 600 posts!! Thank you to all my followers old and new, I now have 230 friends some of whom I knew before blogging but most of you are new friends this last year. Thanks to you all for your inspiration, taking the time to follow and for all your lovely comments.

Now for the moment you've been waiting for.....................

Everyday Candy:

not claimed so re-drawn

Christmas Candy

and that is nnalorac otherwise known as Carol.

Well done ladies, please leave me a comment below with your details (comment moderation is on and I won't publish them!). If prizes aren't claimed within a week I will redraw.

Many thanks to all who took part.

Carol x


  1. Congratulationsto both winners. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Congratulations to the absolutely lucky winners!
    And thanks for the chance to win candy!

    xoxoox Carly

  3. Many congratulations to you both enjoy your candy and thank you Carol for giving us all a chance to win.xx

  4. Congrats to the winners, how luck you are...
    joann sassy raggedy

  5. congrats to the winners, enjoy xx

  6. Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you Carol xx


Many thanks for taking the time to comment on my post. Constructive comments are always welcomed and appreciated on my creations. Carol x