Good morning all.
Well today's the day! Suitcases all packed, house cleaned, freezers filled...New Zealand here we come!!
We don't get picked up until about 4pm for our overnight flight to Dubai so some last minute laundry to do. I think a long walk with the dog to get some fresh air, is in order too. Excited and panic stricken in equal measures at the moment and wondering what we've forgotten...we'll remember as soon as we get on the plane lol.
I'm hoping the wifi on the plane will cope with a bit of commenting, if so I'll catch up with you all at about 30,000 feet. Lots of posts scheduled for whilst I'm away...all my regular commitments and a few extras...look out for some blog candy too - I'll be celebrating 5 years blogging in March!
Hugs to all those in need and the rest of you be good...and you know how it goes...if you can't be careful!
Bye for now :)