Good morning all.
What a cold wet horrible day it was yesterday, I hope it perks up a bit today. We're off round to our neighbours this afternoon for drinks and nibbles then we'll be in for the rest of the night.
The lovely Debby has set another challenge to pick your five favourite creations of 2013, this is going to be difficult!!
Warning this is very long and photo heavy, grab a cup of tea (or something stronger) and make yourself comfortable!!

Here are my five favourite cards from my general crafting:
Happy Birthday
Crafting for all Seasons #55 Make it Girly
Crafting for all Seasons #52 "Think Pink"
Crafting for all Seasons #46 Dies and Punches
Whoopsi Daisy For a Child
Here are my favourite layouts from 2013:
Ready2Go Meeting the Locals Brian
A snapshot of eldest's Mongol Rally adventure.

Oh what a beautiful day
Memories of a fabulous day in July at my nephew's wedding.

One Moment
A glimpse into our few days in Venice to celebrate our Silver Wedding.

Each Day is Brighter You are my Sunshine Live Laugh Love
These three layouts have to be my all time favourites of the kids.

As 2013 was a year of milestones in our family my favourites wouldn't be complete without showing the special cards.
New Beginnings
My Aunt's 90th Birthday in January, this card was made for my Mum to give her.
Crafting for all Seasons #50 No Stamps Allowed
My Mum's 80th birthday in April.
2nd Nephew's Engagement in April.
Crafting for all Seasons #54 One for the Guys
Younger son's 21st in June.
Happy Wedding
1st Nephew's Wedding in July.
No Rest for the Wicked
Niece's engagement in July.
Silver Wedding
Our Silver Wedding Anniversary in September.
Gosh that was a task and a half....if you're still with me well done, you deserve a medal!!
Many thanks for your company, friendship, support and comments this year and for bearing with me when I was an absentee blogger. I'd like to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year and here's to lots of crafting for us all in 2014. I'm looking forward to being inspired by everyone's fabulous makes.
Carol x