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Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will be showcasing all my design team work, general crafting and digital scrap booking.I hope you enjoy seeing my creations and listening to my ramblings. If you leave a comment I'll know you've been and be able to visit you in return. I read and appreciate all comments which are left - good or bad! Thank you for taking the time to visit me. Pop back soon. Carol xx

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Favourite Five Creations 2013

Good morning all. 
What a cold wet horrible day it was yesterday, I hope it perks up a bit today. We're off round to our neighbours this afternoon for drinks and nibbles then we'll be in for the rest of the night.

The lovely Debby has set another challenge to pick your five favourite creations of 2013, this is going to be difficult!!

Warning this is very long and photo heavy, grab a cup of tea (or something stronger) and make yourself comfortable!!

Here are my five favourite cards from my general crafting:

Happy Birthday

Crafting for all Seasons #55 Make it Girly

Crafting for all Seasons #52 "Think Pink"

Crafting for all Seasons #46 Dies and Punches

Whoopsi Daisy For a Child

Here are my favourite layouts from 2013:

 Ready2Go                       Meeting the Locals                     Brian

A snapshot of eldest's Mongol Rally adventure.


Oh what a beautiful day

Memories of a fabulous day in July at my nephew's wedding.

One Moment

A glimpse into our few days in Venice to celebrate our Silver Wedding.

Each Day is Brighter         You are my Sunshine            Live Laugh Love

These three layouts have to be my all time favourites of the kids.


As 2013 was a year of milestones in our family my favourites wouldn't be complete without showing the special cards.

New Beginnings

My Aunt's 90th Birthday in January, this card was made for my Mum to give her.

Crafting for all Seasons #50 No Stamps Allowed

My Mum's 80th birthday in April.


2nd Nephew's Engagement in April.

Crafting for all Seasons #54 One for the Guys

Younger son's 21st in June.

Happy Wedding

1st Nephew's Wedding in July.

No Rest for the Wicked

Niece's engagement in July.

Silver Wedding

Our Silver Wedding Anniversary in September.

Gosh that was a task and a half....if you're still with me well done, you deserve a medal!!

Many thanks for your company, friendship, support and comments this year and for bearing with me when I was an absentee blogger. I'd like to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year and here's to lots of crafting for us all in 2014. I'm looking forward to being inspired by everyone's fabulous makes.

Carol x


  1. Gorgeous creations.....Wishing you and your family all the best for 2014.xxx

  2. Such a wonderful selection Carol, I have really enjoyed looks at them all.
    Wishing you all the best for a Happy New Year.
    Sue xx

  3. WOW an amazing selection of beautiful makes Carol and can't wait to see your creations in 2014. Hope you have a lovely evening and all the very best for the New Year. Hugs, Claire x

  4. Gosh what a show case Carol your talent really shows through here all are so beautiful and the photo of your Nephew and his new wife is gorgeous enjoy your celebrations take care xx

  5. WOW Carol, these are absolutely stunning and thank you for sharing them again. Wishing you all the best for 2014.

    Linda xxx

  6. Wonderful cards. Love Alison xx

  7. Wow! What a fabulous collection of cards and layouts Carol, it's good to look back at what everyone has created throughout the year, you and your family have had a super year .
    Thank you for all of your lovely comments and support throughout 2013.
    Wishing you a very happy 2014.

  8. Great selection of beautiful creations.
    Looking forward to what you come up with in 2014
    Have a wonderful day and a fantastic 2014

    Patricia xxx

  9. Great selections of cards to show off lol, love them all and am a bit confused re your comment...
    "Jani...a wedding card is perfect for the challenge. Thanks for letting me know about the commenting. xx"

    was it meant for me...xx

  10. They are all stunning Carol, I really love your layouts - probably because I don't scrapbook. I think that it is a special skill and you do it brilliantly. Looking forward to seeing what you create in this New Year xx

  11. Your cards are all beautiful Carol. But I do love your scrapbook layouts - they are so special and so very wonderful. Looking forward to seeing what you create in this New Year xx

  12. I've enjoyed looking through your favourites, Carol, they are all beautiful. Thank you for sticking by me throughout this past year when I've rarely been back to visit you. I know that I've been miserable posting only my DT cards and the bare minimum on my blog but you've been there for every project when almost everyone else has fallen by the wayside. You have been a faithful follower and I'm sorry that I haven't been back to visit you so often. I promise I'll try to do better in the year ahead. A very happy new year to you and yours with many thanks from me for your support. Hazel x

  13. These are all just stunning hun happy new year hugs cheryl x

  14. Wonderful selections of cards, they're all fabulous and what lovely scrapbooking too.
    Thank you for joining in with My Favourite Five of 2013.


Many thanks for taking the time to comment on my post. Constructive comments are always welcomed and appreciated on my creations. Carol x