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Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will be showcasing all my design team work, general crafting and digital scrap booking.I hope you enjoy seeing my creations and listening to my ramblings. If you leave a comment I'll know you've been and be able to visit you in return. I read and appreciate all comments which are left - good or bad! Thank you for taking the time to visit me. Pop back soon. Carol xx

Friday 18 December 2015

Golden Oldie

Good morning all.

Think I might have a duvet day today...throat feels like someone has been in there with the sandpaper and nose is streaming, thankfully it's afflicting me this week not next! I think I finished my shopping yesterday and everything should be here by tomorrow...just got my online grocery shop to finalise and I'm nearly done :) Kids presents were wrapped last night, hopefully get hubby's done today and finish off tomorrow. The only other time I've been this organised was the year Lora was born when I had everything ready before I gave birth!

I'm off to join Erika to share an oldie, this week I'm sharing another Bookatrix type card from 2009, this time for a wedding.

This was another commissioned card. Dies from Spellbinders...I think the smaller layer is cut from card and acetate. Most of the embellishments came from Joanna Sheen....I even parted with a diamante buckle!  Of course it needed a box to match.

Have a fun weekend.


  1. A lovely Bookatrix card Carol. I remember them so well and this is a beauty.

    Hope you're soon feeling better. Barbxx

  2. Gorgeous bookatrix card Carol, love the background. So sorry to hear you are not well, I hope you feel better soon.
    Linda xxx

  3. A gorgeous card, the prism card stock has a beautiful effect and sheen to it. Hope you feel better really soon Carol.

  4. Carol what a super oldie thanks for joining me today. I always think silver and white is such a classic combination for a wedding.
    You seem to be very organised with the festive preparations, I'm not now I've been in work a lot more.
    I hope you are feeling better soon, lots of colds doing the rounds up here too.

    Hugs Erika. x

  5. A beautiful oldie share Carol, such an elegant design.
    I hope you soon feel better.

  6. Hi Carol
    Fabulous book of trix ...,stunning work...
    Hope you will soon feel better...
    Hugs Sylvie xx


Many thanks for taking the time to comment on my post. Constructive comments are always welcomed and appreciated on my creations. Carol x